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I offer prenatal and postpartum visits in the comfort of your home, my home in Ithaca, or virtually. During our visit, I address the concerns you identify as most important and create a unique plan that works best for you and your baby to successfully breastfeed.
I'm an approved provider for several health insurance companies.
Consultation includes:
• Medical history of both parent and baby
• Visual assessment of breasts
• Evaluation of baby's oral anatomy and suckling ability
• Assessment of latching and positioning
• Evaluation of both tongue and lip tie
• Baby weight checks
• Milk supply concerns
• Newborn milk intake recommendations
• Benefits of skin-to-skin
• Common breastfeeding issues including sore nipples, plugged ducts, mastitis, engorgement, and thrush
• Support for returning to work and pumping
• Weaning support
Breast Pumps and
I offer hospital-grade double electric Medela and Spectra breast pump rentals, scale rentals, and breast pump parts for purchase. I also offer a variety of breastfeeding supplies including breast pump flanges, nipple shields, finger-feeders, bottles, as well as breastfeeding and sleep books.
Phone and Email
I offer breastfeeding support via telephone and email.
Support Groups and Prenatal Class
La Leche League of Ithaca Support Group
First Monday of the month,10 AM at Jillian's Drawers, 609 W Clinton St., Ithaca
Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
Third Monday of the month, 6:00-8:00 PM in downtown Ithaca
Please call or email to register for the class. Thank you!
Breastfeeding Cafe
Every 2nd Monday, 10 AM at Meraki Midwifery, 301 W State St., Ithaca
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